I just joined a new site called Quassi.
It’s a new kind of site where you can promote not only your own sites but topics that you are knowledgeable about as well.
In addition to having yet another place to promote your sites you can also participate in revenue sharing at Quassi.
Here’s some information directly from the site:
At Qassia, you can add your websites for free, and without having to add reciprocal backlinks. You’ll get unlimited quality backlinks (as opposed to useless “no-follow” backlinks). You can also add intel. Short for “intelligence”, intel is a tidbit of information. Qassia rewards users who add intel in three ways.
1. Backlinks You get one backlink for every piece of intel you add. Every intel will carry a direct backlink to one of your sites. So the more intel you add, the more backlinks you get.
2. Credit When you add intel, you also get credit, in the form of Qassia dollars. Your net worth in Qassia dollars determines how well your websites rank in our directory.
3. Revenue When your intel is displayed, you get 100% of the advertising revenue generated by that page. That is not a typo, by the way: we give you ALL of the gross ad revenue.
This means that website owners have triple incentive to contribute intel. The contributed intel will allow Qassia to become a vast repository of intelligence, with unrivaled original content. And a vast amount of original content draws traffic like honey draws ants.
Right now Quassi is in closed beta so the only way to join is by getting an invite by someone who’s already a Quassi member. If you’re interested in joining just click on one of the Quassi links that I’ve added to this post and it should take you to my profile page where you should see a Sign Up button in the top left hand sidebar.
I just signed up so I can’t tell you how well Quassi does at promoting your site and bringing in traffic yet, but I’ll write an update post about a month from now and let you know how well Quassi has worked for me. In the meantime, sign up and list your sites and perhaps add some articles about topics you care about and start earning those quassi credits and sharing in the site revenue.