Colleen from 3 Day Mom and Simple Kind of Life is busy working to collect donations for the Three Day Walk for Cancer Research that she’ll be doing in Tampa next year. She completed the Three Day Walk in Philadelphia this past October and she’s raring to go for next years walk.
Her goal is to raise $2200 in donations for her Tampa three day walk. Can you help her? Anyone that donates $20 will get a personal thank you and a write up in her blog, plus a link in her side bar for the next twelve months as a 3-Day donor.
If you want to help her, and or read more about the walk and her goals just visit her 3 Day Mom Donation post. I’m going to make a donation sometime in the near future, I just need to figure out my finances etc first, but I will. Why don’t you join me in helping Colleen with her goal?
If you can’t make a donation right now perhaps you could blog about her goal to raise money for the Three Day Walk for Cancer Research and help her in that way?