Please tell me my site is loading a little bit faster. Please?
Late yesterday evening or early this morning I noticed that my blogs were hanging and not loading well at all. It seems that the blogcatalog widget was having trouble loading. In fact the blogcatalog site wasn’t loading either when I went to visit it.
I got fed up with waiting as much as ten minutes for my sites to load. So I went and took the mybloglog and blogcatalog widgets off my sites. I know they’ve each slowed my sites in the past and I know that this blog in particular can be slow loading.
I also realize that my sidebars load before the content. I’ve tried every way I know how to change my site so that the content loads first, but every time I try to change it my whole blog crashes. This theme just does not want to do anything but have the sidebars load first.
It might be time to change the theme.
So apart from the sidebars loading first. Do you think my page loaded a little bit faster when you visited today?
Please say it did.