Oh dear, Mrs. LifeCruiser is on a tagging rampage! She’s tagged me with the MyBloglog Community Exchange started by Garry Conn.
Are you a member of Mybloglog? If you aren’t you should sign up. Social networking is quite popular these days and it’s a great way to promote your site, get a few more links and perhaps even find great sites and make some internet friends.
One way to build your Mybloglog community is by participating in this exchange. Just follow the directions:
The simple rules:
1. Join all of the MyBlogLog communities on the list below.
2. Copy the list and create a new post on your blog and paste the list onto your post.
3. Write a brief paragraph that explains what the game is above the list (just as I have done here, but with your own words).
4. Add 2 or 3 or more MyBlogLog communities to the list and then publish the post. Add the new members to the bottom of the list.
The exchange list:
* Lifecruiser
Renny BA’s Terella
Take a moment and copy this to your site and add some of your own contacts. I picked my adds randomly!