Have you heard of Agloco.com yet? This is a new online community that will distribute it’s earnings among it’s members.
How does it work? Well you need to sign up for an account with Agloco first. When the site officially launches it’s software in March. When the new viewbar is installed in your browser it will keep track of your online interests and preferences. As far as I understand, the viewbar will collect data and the revenue that online marketers are paying for research into our online habits. Agloco will then distribute the money that it has collected to all of it’s members.
In a nutshell, you’ll be able to earn money simply by surfing the web. It’s that easy!
Agloco has implemented a referral system as well that allows each member to receive compensation for each new member that they bring on board. You can sign up under my referral address right here.
The company hasn’t fully launched yet. As I said earlier the software is set to release in March and that’s why it’s important to get in on this new system before it’s fully open so that you can start introducing Agloco to your friends and your blog readers.
What are you waiting for? Sign up and earn money from surfing the web when Agloco fully launches.