I’ve been getting a lot of feedback on my post about Alec Baldwin and the message that he left for his daughter when she didn’t pick up the phone when he expected.
Man that was some rant. Have you heard the tapes of the message? Honestly it was just terrible. I can only imagine how hearing that message must have made his daughter Ireland feel.
Parents shouldn’t talk to their kids that way, especially if the child isn’t the real source of the problem.
I think he should take Italian Classes. I’m sure he won’t stop ranting like that, so at least if he does it in a beautiful language like Italian it might sound a bit better.
I’d say EVEN IF the child is the source of the problem. Such an attitude as his will only worsen whatever problem is already there in the first place.
Yeah, but he might strain his arm if he used them to talk with like every other Italian-American I’ve ever been around. It’s really kinda sad this broken family has their dirty laundry aired in the media.
When he was interviewed on the view, the way he was talking was as if he was the nice parent and not kim, lol. He desperatly tried to convince us, but his career is even more in the dumps because of this
I’m not taking sides, but I think if you’ve been through a divorce where child custody was an issue, this doesn’t seem all that shocking.