I’ve just been visiting a cool site called MocoSpace. It’s basically a free mobile phone community where you can meet others and pass the time using the various features such as Free chat, pics, videos. Sound interesting?
Almost all mobile phones come with internet abilities these days and this site has been created specifically with mobile phone users in mind.
I was just thinking that this site might be great for those who don’t have internet access at work (on their breaks of course), or who don’t have a computer at home. I know that when I’m working sometimes I do long night shifts at the hospital. Most of my fellow nurses sleep on their long break, but I don’t. Something like MocoSpace would be a great way to pass the time.
Just like any other internet based social network MocoSpace operates 24/7 and has members from all around the world. Sign up and get your own message box and mobile email.
You can use the service to chat with others in public and private chat rooms or create your own personal chat room. You can also share and download photos, videos, and wallpapers, or use the site to create blog posts, talk in discussion forums.
Check it out – it’s totally free.
What do you think of Google bidding on the 700Ghz US wireless service in the U.S? I wonder if it will lead to free cell phone service?
If that’s true then Google is sure getting their hands in a whole lot of pots these days. I suppose if they were to get into the mobile phone Biz the cost of service might drop substantially. Free service? It’d be nice but I doubt that would ever happen.
Certainly less expensive mobile charges would help sites such as MocoSpace. They’d suddenly have a lot more people chatting away.