It seems to me that in the last decade or so people have become even more health conscious than in the past – particularly when it comes to the ingredients in the foods that we eat and the chemicals or natural ingredients in the products that we use on our skin or in our households.
Personally, I prefer that the products that I use contain mainly natural ingredients. That’s why the dietary supplement R.G. Skin Revitalizer which is made from the tropical superfruit Gâc caught my attention.
Gâc has a long history of medicinal use throughout Asia. This fruit, formally known as Momordia Cochinchinemis Spreng is a large, cantaloupe sized bright red fruit that grows in abundance on vines throughout sub-tropical Asia.
This fruit is choke full of beneficial carotenoid antioxidants, lycopene, and beta-carotene which if you’ve been reading recent health related reports, have all been found to help support strong cellular rejuvenation and boost the immune system. Antioxidants are said to protect our skin from damaging free radicals so it only makes sense that we try to eat foods that are full of antioxidants isn’t it? It’s also known that Carotenoids assist in a plants pigmentation process and help protect them against excess sunlight which likely means that they will assist us in protecting our own skin and keeping it healthy.
Now, I’m fairly certain that I’ve seen this tropical fruit here in the markets of Toronto. It’s a very diverse city and you can find just about anything here, but hunting it down regularly would probably be a chore that I would not do regularly. That’s why I’m pleased to hear that the benefits of Gâc can be found in the R.G. Skin Revitalizer dietary supplement.
If you’re concerned about your skins health and your general overall health you might want to look into this interesting natural skin revitalizing product.
I always do look for the dietary supplements that are natural. And in search for the supplement to replace sugar I have found the lens about stevia that has many beneficial properties for our good health.