If you’re planning a trip to Europe in the near future you might be interested in visiting the audioguides site. The site offers free audioguides for major European cities such as London, Paris, Roame, Barclona, Vienna, Brussels and 20 more cities that tourists enjoy visiting.
The audioguides work with your Ipod or Mp3 player, and they are created to help the traveler learn more about the city they are visiting. The audio guide lasts about an hour and has a city map that you can print out for easy use, or save it on your ipod. The audioguides sites says that most of their Mp3 audioguides come in 4 different languages – English, German, French, and Italian.
I think this is a fantastic idea. If I were about to travel to one of the 25 or so cities that the site provides Audioguides for, I’d be sure to download the file and have a listen to it. After all the more you know about a city that you’re visiting the more likely it will be that you’ll have a great trip and see the sites that you are most interested in.