I swallowed a fly!
We just got back from Chicago early Monday morning, and after spending the day recovering from the trip and relaxing I went outside to take care of the garden.
While I was standing in our back porch I must have been mouth breathing or something. I inhaled and swhhhwooop into my mouth and right down my throat went a little fly.
I think the last time I accidentally swallowed a fly I was biking or canoeing or driving in a convertible or something. How on earth do you swallow a fly when you are just standing there? Only I could do something like that.
Coughing and uh gagging didn’t help. It’s digesting as I write.
I swallowed a fly!
At least that was quick, I walked out of my back door to mow the lawn and a bug flew in my ear and I had to go to the ER to get the dang thing out.
Perhaps you’ll die…. Or you could now swallow a spider
Hey, that’s good roughage!
Protein, too