I have a stack of gardening books that I keep handy in my living room.
I delve into the books for information to put into this blog or whenever I’m looking up a new plant and want to learn all about it before purchasing it, or in most cases after I’ve purchased it. Yes I’m an impulse plant purchaser.
I was wondering what kinds of gardening books my readers have at home? Here’s a list of what I have on hand:
- Botanica’s Pocket – Annuals & Perennials
- Ortho’s All about Azaleas, Camellias & Rhododendrons
- 500 Popular Roses
- 100 Easy to Grow native Plants for Canadian Gardens
- The complete book of Garden Flowers
- Readers Digest Illustrated Guide to Gardening in Canada
- Complete Guide to Gardening (Better Homes and Gardens)
- Botanica – The illustrated A-Z of over 10,000 plants
I think I’ve got a good start to my collection. What do you have that I should be sure to get for myself?
I also have quite a few gardening books, but I’m not sure I have any that you have listed, except maybe The Complete Book of Garden Flowers.
If you enjoy reading gardening related books, won’t you join us this winter in the Garden Bloggers’ Book Club… Details at http://www.gardenbloggersbookclub.blogspot.com. We would enjoy having you!
Nice Comment..
I noticed in your list you mentioned the Reader’s Digest Gardening Guide – there is also an Australian version of this which I have had for over 30 years.
The information in this book is timeless and I refer it to again and again. I can recommend it for any beginner or seasoned gardener.