I love asters. I only wish that they bloomed throughout the whole summer rather than the end of summer and into fall. I spend the summer waiting for them to bloom and then I’m sad when I see them finally blooming because that means our season of nice weather will soon be over.
My mother also loved her asters. I think they were one of her favorite flowers, and I believe that that is why I grow them each year in my own garden.
I didn’t even plant any this past year, but I was lucky because several of them must have generously reseeded so I got to have my asters this year.
Amazingly, it’s been going below zero quite often most nights the past three weeks, but somehow my petunias, snap dragons, New York Asters and a number of my roses are still blooming away as if the weather was much warmer. I don’t understand. I guess my raise beds are keeping a number of my plants warm and happy, but it doesn’t explain the hanging baskets and strawberry planters full of still blooming flowers.
There are a lot of new Green Thumber’s or people who want to join the meme. I have sent anyone who contacted me instructions on how to put the blogroll on your site. If you have it on your site but you haven’t told me- well you still aren’t on the blogroll. I’ve spent a lot of time tracking people down and I just don’t have time to keep doing this.
I also just completely Re created the *new* Green Thumb Sunday page. Please visit it at it’s new link. Complete instructions on how to add the blogroll to your site for the most popular blog software types is listed on that page.
Gardeners, Plant and Nature lovers can join in every Sunday, visit As the Garden Grows for more information.
We haven’t even gone below zero other than once – the 1st of November – this fall.
Has moder nature gone crazy? *lol*
In that case I hope that she’ll make it spring and summer at once too…
Lovely Aster and i agree with you, it would have been nice to have them around all season. Preferably all year round too
Yes, for my part, I can definitivly confirm that mother mother has gone crazy. Have a look at my book and be surprises what’s blooming over here at the end of November!!!
By the way, your blue GTS blogroll is very pretty, my I get the URL for next sunday’s post?
I planted asters for the first time this year. They’re New England asters and I really had no idea that they might come back. Now I have something else to look forward to!
Enjoy your blooms while you still have them :))
Asters certainly are lovely.
I’ll swap some of your colder weather, and rain if you have too much, for some of our warmer days and no rain at all. Summer doesn’t start until Friday yet we’ve already experienced far too many days with temps. in the mid to high 30s and way below average rainfall. Many places have very severe water restrictions already.
I love flowers and plants but I am zero green thumb ! I hate working in the garden. But I came here to click and comment (it’s monday for me) and that’s what I am doing lol !