Do you have a myspace account yet? It seems these days that just about everyone has one. I have one but I really haven’t done anything with it- I assume there are a lot of people like me out there that have done the same, started an account to see what all the fuss was but then never really did much with it or explored the possibilities that the myspace account allowed.
Unfortunately, if you have kids, there is a high chance that they have a myspace account and that they are using it to it’s full extent. Now, I know there are a lot of good things about myspace like talking with friends online, and sharing photos and links etc, but there are a lot of bad things too. I’m sure you’ve heard some of the news stories about special police or FBI task forces concentrating on internet predators. It’s an unfortunate fact that many of these predators and pedophiles also have myspace accounts and use these accounts to talk to the type of kids that they are interested in or perversely drawn towards.
SpectorSoft has created a software application that does Myspace tracking. Concerned parents can record your child or teens myspace activity so that they can find out what there child has been doing on myspace. You’ll know when they’ve updated their site, or uploaded photos, made comments or invited people to be their friends. With this Myspace Tracking software parents can keep an eye on things and make sure that their “friends” aren’t really 45 year old pedophiles, or that your child isn’t being sent inappropriate photos. I don’t think this would be considered spying on your child. A parent using this software would just be looking out for their kid and making sure that something bad didn’t happen to them.
We go through enough confusing stuff as we are growing up. It would be nice to be able to protect kids from some of the worst kinds of encounters they might ever have.
I don’t disagree with you at all, but I’ve heard th poossession of Myspace tracking software is a violation of their terms of service and should you be discovered using one, they’ll kill your account.
I personally am in favour of trackability being an integral part of Myspace. I WANT to know who has visited me… so that I can return the favour. If you ask me, the current setup, that protects anonymity too vigorously… only benefits the mischiefmakers and the dodgy.
I agree with upstair, i think tracking software can help us in some degree.