I just came across a site called GroupLoop.com and I thought that perhaps Gardening clubs might be able to use Grouploop to create a central area where archive files, minutes of the club meetings, and a calendar of the clubs upcoming events could be kept. All members of the group or in this case Gardening club would be able to access the files within the group and there could even be an area in which to chat on line once the Group was set up.
Grouploop could be used by the clubs board members to organize plant sales and perhaps fund raisers as well.
I’m talking about Grouploop as if it’s only for gardeners but any group of people from a business trying to organize it’s data and created an online meeting place for specific comitees to a family planning an annual reunion could use GroupLoop and it’s easy to use tools and services too.
I signed up and took an inside look at how to go about setting up a group and it’s very easy. The site is very well laid out with easy to understand instructions as you go along. Check out GroupLoop if you’re tired of passing emails back and forth as you try to organize meetings or a big event. It’s easy and it makes it simple to get organized.