Have you been exposed to asbestos in your job or perhaps in your old home?
There is a cancer called Mesothelioma that is most often seen 30 to 45 years after exposure to asbestos in 70% to 80% of all cases. This cancer affects the lining of the internal organs when cancerous tumors develop on the mesothelium (lining of internal organs). This used to be a rare disease, now it only considered uncommon.
We’re supposed to be working towards eradicating cancers, but newish ones like Mesothelioma are cropping up due to environmental exposure to harmful substances.
It wasn’t until the 1960’s that warnings about exposure to asbestos, mainly to workers in the construction industry were issued. Unfortunately Asbestos manufactures knew about the dangers at least 20 years prior to the warnings being issued.
Did you know that, even though the dangers of asbestos exposure are well documented today that over 3000 items are still manufactured with asbestos?
This information just makes me angry. So many companies and manufacturers are careless about the products that they use. If it can save them money to continue using a product that could be dangerous to consumers they don’t seem to care.
If you are as angry as I am, and if you, or someone you know has worked in an industry where they’ve been exposed to asbestos for two or more months in their lifetime you might want to visit this site that gives detailed information on starting a Mesothelioma Lawsuit and what you need to do if you’ve been exposed.
thanks for the information its very helpful
This doesn’t surprise me one bit. Manufacturers are fully aware that asbestos is dangerous, however they know it can be useful in many applications. There’s a set limit on how much asbestos can be contained within a particular product, but in the overall scope of things it’s still pretty scary.