Well, as some of you know right now I’m having a blog party over at Tricia’s Musings to celebrate my first year of blogging. Yep, Tricia’s Musings is one year old!
I’m having a pseudo ICE garden party over there. Go have a look at the photos of the ice garden and the ice bar. MMMMM lots of chocolate over there too. Yum!Ok I know I can’t complain about our winter here at all. Others have had much worse, particularly people who usually have great winters … but winter has finally arrived as of this week. We’ve had snow, finally, and now very cold temperatures. Right now it’s -12 c (10.4 F). Brrrr!
So I’m jonesing for Spring. Here’s a flower, a tulip and other spring flowers, that I’m longing to see in just a few short months:
I’ve noticed that only a portion of the Green Thumb Sunday members have been playing lately. I know that while I’ve been posting regularly I haven’t been visiting as often as I should. My reasons are that I’ve been too busy trying to raise money to keep the bills paid (I’m home sick with no income coming in so I’m doing paid posts to earn some money), and I’ve been very ill lately.
I am wondering why others aren’t playing though. Have you lost interest? Or is it just because it’s winter and you don’t have photos to post? Remember photos do not have to be current. They also don’t have to be of a garden or a plant. It could be a nice scene from nature, something outdoors … use your imagination.
I created this meme so that we could show off our creative talents and our gardens. A great bonus that we get from interacting with each other is that we get a boost in traffic, some extra links to our sites, and perhaps some regular visiters too.
I’m going to go through the list and people that haven’t played for at least two months or haven’t even updated thier site in the last month will probably be removed. I’ll leave messages if I’m considering removing you from the list.
Gardeners, Plant and Nature lovers can join in every Sunday, visit As the Garden Grows for more information.
Hi Trica!
First of all, happy blog anniversary! I really enjoy this GTS meme so pleeease, do not remove me from the list! I just had one GTS post this year but there will be another one TODAY! (I am just not yet ready as I always try to post in English and German). So you should make sure to pop in later on today, you are more than welcome!
I did not know you were ill, get well very very soon!!!
Now, I need to go over to your party!
I’ve posting each Sunday all month, after taking a few weeks off in December. I’ve been showing my hyacinths being forced, week by week.
I have just been uninspired lately… I guess with “winter” around and not being real active in the garden, it kinda killed the mood…
I did make that post yesterday, and with new life bursting forth from the garden… I’m sure I’ll start posting more frequently soon!
I’m a huge shutterbug, so GTS gives me a chance to post photos that didn’t make it into my regular blog posts. I’m doing monthly themes. December was Rutgers Gardens, January is Longwood Gardens and February will be butterflies. This is so much fun! Thanks!
Hi Tricia!
I’m loving the meme — and hoping you’ll keep it going. It’s a fun way to showcase my photos and get around the blogosphere to see what other people are shooting.
I love your photo today — tulips are among my very favorite flowers. Thanks for sharing this with us, and happy anniversary!
That red tulip looks really great…