Are you planning to beginning gardening this spring? Perhaps you are already a gardener but you plan on adding a new garden bed this season.
Do you know everything you need to know about preparing for a new garden bed? I’ve found some tips that will help you make your garden grow.
Anyone planning to begin a garden or set up a new garden bed should:
1. Plan your garden on paper before you begin. I did this back in the winter of 2002. I had measured my yards dimensions that fall, and I even took some pictures so I could easily remember what plants were already in the garden and how it was set up at the time. Then I began planning on paper using my measurements to map out the garden beds, and patio area.
2. Be sure that your new garden site is –
- a. In full sun for at least eight hours each day, unless you have a shady yard of course.
- b. Relatively level, but not in a low spot where cold air settles.
- c. Well-drained, be sure to notice if the area stays wet for a period of time in the Spring as well even if it’s dry the rest of the season as this can affect your success with plants.
- d. Close to a water source
- e. Not near trees. Tree roots can interfere with plant growth and often trees steal the available water from the plants you’re trying to grow.
3. Know your current soil conditions. The soil in my area is a mix of both sand and clay! I amended our soil with triple mix (a mix of manure, peat and top soil). I also decided to create raised beds so that my plants would grow in a foot of my newly amended soil. The plants would also have good drainage and the soil would warm up earlier in the spring due to the raised beds.
Your own soil might need to be amended with lime or peat moss, manure or compost in order to improve it’s texture, and PH. Consider having your soil tested so that you can be sure that it’s PH levels are appropriate for the type of plants you’d like to grow.
4. When you begin your garden don’t go overboard. Plan a garden that you can maintain easily. If you over do the garden by making it too large or by attempting to grow plants with high levels of difficulty you might end up very disappointed. Keep in mind how much time you have for watering, weeding and maintaining the garden when you choose your plants.
5. If you are growing vegetables try to grow species that do well in your area. Tomatoes are a great plant to grow as they are fairly easy and produce an abundant amount of delicious tomatoes.
Very nice job outlining what you need to start a garden. I have been gardening for years, but when a friend asked me what she needed to do to get started with a garden, I didn’t know where to start. I had her read this post for starters! Thanks fro writing it.