It’s -15 Celsius (5 F) outside right now! at 6 in the evening – do you know how cold it will be at midnight! Ahhhh!
The furnace is going full blast and still I feel cold. Just at the thought of what temperature it is outside even thought it is fairly toasty inside my home. This is when my old lady neighbour will end up walking into my backyard through the ice and snow to knock on my window and ask me to fix her TV … just when I want to hibernate indoors.
I am dreaming of a trip to a warm place right now. Some place in South America perhaps like Buenos Aires where the temperature is 25 C (77 F) right now. Oh my gosh, I’d love to be there right now just for the warmth.
Ok there’s plenty of reasons other than our current cold weather as to why I’d love to be in Buenos Aires right now. The warm temperatures are a huge factor, I’ll freely admit it, but the beaches, the people, the cafe’s, and the exotic animals. As many of you know I love reptiles and well, South America definitely has reptiles.
Actually as an amateur photographer I’d love to just sight see, and wander the streets taking photographs that would capture the essence of Buenos Aires as I saw it from a visitor/ tourists point of view.
I obviously found a site about Buenos Aires as I began to day dream about going to someplace warm and tropical and the site I found is specifically about Buenos Aires and it highlights all the different things that you can do in the city and surrounding area. The posts contain links to other great sites about specific attractions in Buenos Aires.
I’m bookmarking this site. I know I’m going to get away to a warm place like Buenos Aires eventually and this site has a lot of great info about things to do, hotels and places to see while visiting this interesting city.
A diverse wonderland, from buzzing Buenos Aires to the incredible Iguazú falls ….. Misiones can be bitterly cold in winter (July to September) with night-time temperatures.To them, being in Buenos Aires their first two days after leaving Moscow meant leaving the windy cold weather for the sunny, warm weather.