It’s official. So much for the balmy weather we’ve enjoyed through all of December and a good portion of January. Since last Monday, a week and a half ago, winter has been here in Toronto and it doesn’t look like it’s going to go away any time soon.
This week is colder than last. It’s -11(12..2 F) right now and tomorrow night it’s going to go down to -21 c (-5.8 F)! That’s darn cold! Brrr! I’m lucky in some ways that I don’t have to go out. I’m sick at home and I don’t have any more appointments this week so I can just stay inside and hope that my furnace keeps working.
How’s the weather in your area? A number of people that were also enjoying unseasonably warm weather this winter have also said that in the last week the cold weather descended on them as well.
Is it still warmer than average anywhere where it should be quite cold by now?
Same as you in the now frozen T.O. It’s a good day to play hooky and the kid and I are doing just that! Stay warm …