Have you ever thought of building a pond in your garden? I say building when most would say creating. In reality I suppose it’s a bit of both isn’t it?
We’ve always wanted to have a small pond but our yard is so small, and now so full of garden beds that we really don’t have any room to put one in. I guess that will have to wait for our next house.
This is a good time of year to start planning things like ponds, patios and pergolas. Especially if you were thinking about it in the fall and happened to have taken a few measurements of your yard.
Read books and websites about whichever project you might be planning- pond, patio or pergola, and be ready to begin in early spring so that construction will be completed quickly. If you are able to do that it won’t disturb your garden planting season that much and your plants in the new area that you’ve created won’t be too far behind.
There’s nothing worse than landscaping in the middle of summer, in the heat and possible drought conditions and expecting new plants that you’ve planted in your new area to thrive without a lot of work.
Is anyone planning any new items in their garden this year? New garden beds? Or a pond, patio or pergola as I’ve been discussing?
Im thinking about a Japanese pond in my yard. It is nice and not too expensive.
“There’s nothing worse than landscaping in the middle of summer, in the heat and possible drought conditions”
I thought I was reading a UK site until I read this line lol