A while back I wrote about my favorite “can’t live without them” gardening tools and accessories. On that list were pruners, scissors, garden ribbon or ties, stakes – wooden and bamboo, a hand trowel and a hand cultivator.
Naturally, there are many other tools that I use in the garden from time to time, but those listed above are the ones that I use almost every time I step into the garden to do some work.
The design of each tool, and how it feels in my hand as I work with it is very important. Even if I’m only using a tool for a matter of minutes it needs to feel comfortable in my hands and be easy to use. Even a few minutes use each day can add up to hours or even days worth of use by the time the gardening season ends each year and no one would want to work with a tool that they were uncomfortable with for that long.
Now I have bad knees and they bother me from time to time, which I suppose is one of the reasons why I set up my garden with raised beds. I don’t have to bend my knees as much when I’m working, and I can sit on the stones surrounding the garden beds as I work and give my knees a break.
I don’t have bad wrists or arthritis in my hands, but many people who enjoy gardening do have these disorders. Whether they come from carpal tunnel syndrome, injury or an inflammatory condition such as arthritis I can only imagine how much more important the design of the garden tools is to these people.
Even though I don’t suffer from any of these conditions it still might be a good idea to use tools that have been ergonomically designed in order to prevent conditions like carpal tunnel or injury from occurring.
I spend so many hours in the garden that it only makes sense to use well designed tools doesn’t it?
Within a months time I’ll be out in the garden again on a regular basis. Tidying up the garden and performing spring garden maintenance. Perhaps this is the right time to be looking for new tools for the garden so that I’ll be ready when the temperatures warm up and the plants begin to come out of dormancy.
I spent some time over the weekend looking at the many garden related products at OnlineDiscountMart.com. Did you know that they sell ergonomic gardening tools such as hand trowels and hand cultivators?
I really like the design of their hand garden trowel.
This ergonomic hand garden trowel has been engineered to save and protect your wrists from working in the garden for many hours each day. The design moves the workload from the wrist to the forearm. I think this is a great design for those with repetitive wrist injury disorders, or for those who tend to work in their garden on a regular basis in order to prevent such injuries.
The large adjustable handle would also be easy to grip which I would imagine would lessen the strain and pain for those with arthritis in their hands.
The handle can be adjusted for comfortable use, and locked into position as well. This ergonomic hand trowel also features a flexible pad for your forearm which would help make this tool comfortable to use.
I really think that anyone who loves to garden could use a hand trowel such as this. It’s well designed and made of durable steel giving it a long lifespan. This 19 inch long tool normally sells for $19.95 but right now Online Discount Mart is selling it for $14.95.
This hand garden cultivator is another one of the ergonomic gardening tools that Online Discount Mart sells.
It’s on sale for only $14.95 right now as well, and just like the ergonomic hand garden trowel, the ergonomic hand garden cultivator has been designed to move the workload from the wrist to the forearm. The hand cultivator also features an adjustable and lockable handle, plus a flexible pad for your forearm. The hand cultivator is 19″ in length and each prong on the cultivator is 3″ in length.
I like the fact that both of these tools are made of durable steel. I’ve gardened with my family since I was a child, but I’ve only been gardening on my own for the last five years and I’m amazed at how many poorly made tools I’ve gone through in that time. Ones that have bent or snapped when I’m digging in my sometimes dry hard clay soil. Considering that these tools are made of steel I would imagine that they would withstand the work I’d put them through in my garden.
I’d love to purchase both of these items and try them out. The price is certainly right. I also just noticed that they have a Winter coupon special allowing you to get an extra 5% off the price of both of these tools. That makes this already good price even better.
If you’re looking for well made ergonomic gardening tools, or other items for the garden or the great outdoors do take a look at OnlineDiscountMart.com.
Has anyone personally tried any of these tools yet?
As Jim C said, I would be interested to hear about anyone trying them.
I haven’t heard from anyone who’s tried these new tools but they seem like they would be very helpful. Particularly to those who have arthritis or injuries to the shoulder, elbow or wrist.
I haven’t tried the two tools you mentioned but I have tried http://www.gardeningwithease.com ergonomic fist grip tools with and without an arm support and they worked great! This web-site has lots of other tools I look forward to trying too.
These look like they would be really good for people who may be prone to carpal tunnel syndrome. I agree it would be interesting to hear from some people who have used them though.
I’ve not seen these before.
They look really good for ‘senior’ gardeners of who I know a few.
Many thanks, I think you’ve just made choosing birthday and Christmas presents a whole lot easier!
Dave these might make you think of senior gardeners but anyone with a handicap or arthritis or an illness that makes it a little more difficult to use gardening tools – at any age – would love these tools.