Spring is almost upon us, and with it’s warmer temperatures and sunny days many of us who enjoy gardening will be getting outdoors more often. Being outdoors more often means it’s time to start thinking about sunglasses and other forms of eyewear to protect our eyes.
I believe I’ve talked about OpticPlanets.net on this site in the past, but it’s worth mentioning again as they have a sale on their huge line of Sunglasses, Goggles, protective eyewear and many of the other products that they sell.
Opticsplanet carries top of the line quality eyewear from companies like Bobster, Body Specs, Wile X, Bolle, ESS, Revision eyewear and Serengeti. You’ll find everything from designer sunglasses, to Motorcycle and ski goggles. They also have the lowest prices guaranteed.
The company says they offer discount sunglasses, and yes the prices are fantastic, but the quality and choice are great too. I’m leaning towards getting a pair or two of their Serengeti sunglasses because I really like the styles they make. Funny thing is, my husband took a look at OpticsPlanet earlier today and he was fond of the Serengeti eyewear as well. I guess we think alike.
I remember what I told you about OpticsPlanet before. I posted about their line of flashlights, microscopes, binoculars, telescopes and other cool stuff in the past. It’s just a really cool online store that carries a lot of interesting items.
Check it out for yourself. Oh and if you do decide to purchase sunglasses, eyewear or something else from OpticsPlanet you’ll be pleased to know that they offer Free UPS on all orders above $29.95. That’s a pretty good deal.
With the demise of the summer, those avid snow sports fans among us begin to turn their thoughts to the ski slopes or the snowboarding runs. Digging out the old gear can lead to disappointment, especially after you realise (like me) that you’ve managed to drop something really unfortunate on top of your goggles! Anyway, new excuse to get some more and there are plenty of designer goggles out there at reduced costs if you are lucky enough to pick up last years stock, all the better!
I can’t wait until I’m back on the skis again.