Fragrant Cloud is a hybrid tea rose. I’ve only got one growing in my garden.
I think mine might be struggling. It’s never grown much, and reaches a maximum height of about two to two and a half feet each year. It does produce lovely full roses with tons of huge petals. However it only blooms two to three times per season for me and surprisingly I haven’t found the flowers to be all that fragrant.
I grow this rose beside Just Joey which out grows, out performs and out scents Fragrant Cloud by miles! Still I love this rose. It’s fighter. It keeps coming back each year.
Let’s hope it does this year now that I said that!
Gardeners, Plant and Nature lovers can join in every Sunday, visit As the Garden Grows for more information.
Oh, it’s still very beautiful! I love the petals of this one. It looks like an oldfashioned rose and I love that.
A very beautiful flower.
I’m not big on Roses by one of my neighbors has a couple that I wouldn’t mind growing.
This is a gorgeous rose. It is hard to imagine that there will be any roses in my garden this summer. We are still living under 0c temperatures here, although it was 2c yesterday.
The sun is shining brilliantly and I want to wish you a Happy Easter …
I never have been a huge rose fan. At my old house, I did plant a ‘Blaze’ climbing rode that I loved… But I left it behind when i moved. I have two here that I didn’t plant and I pretty much ignore when they aren’t blooming… Of course, they go nuts on their own without any of my help.
It’s so beautiful!!! My climbing rose is beautiful, but no scent. It was planted when we moved in. I love the heady scent of a wonderful rose bush!
I grew up with a Fragrant Cloud in my homes garden and it grew over 6 foot ( a Blue Moon was well over that,very good rose growing area),with the hugest blooms,Im looking for one to add to my own rose bed,a good specimum that is! Some are sick and others dont have a good structure,but I will find one somewhere
PS I tried to follow up a few other peoples entres for GTS but a somehow couldnt get onto their sites,I rarely have any comment on my two sites either,I will continue to enter garden/green bits anyway!
Thanks for the comments! I appreciate it.
I’ve just visited about 35 of the 50 or so sites listed on the Green thumb Blogroll. I left comments at 24 sites and then decided to give up when I started hitting sites that hadn’t posted since Wednesday or later.
Obviously you guys who are leaving comments here and on my other site are going around and visiting at least some of the other Green thumb sunday participants but the majority of our group isn’t.
This is really frustrating. Honestly. If people can post a Green Thumb photo why can’t they visit at least 10 other sites on the blogroll? You have to visit sites to get visitors to your own sites.
If next weeks Green Thumb has a distinct lack of VISITING participation I might just cancel the whole thing. Or well … weed out those who aren’t occasionally visiting others.
Tricia, it’s a beautiful rose photo — looks like a great variety! I hope you have success with it this year.
I’ve been going around to others’ sites, but not always leaving comments — I know people do that. I also get to see a lot of the photos through the Garden Voices feed. I think the event is great — it would be a tremendous shame for you to cancel it.
I planted Just Joey last spring and I love it! I’m growing it next to Fragrant Delight, which I must say, you don’t want too many of in a bouquet, because it gets overwhelming. I’ve rounded out that bed with a Wild Ginger rose, similar in color to the others. We’ll see how it performs.
I got my Green Thumb Sunday post up while it’s still Sunday! Go me!
Forgot to mention, I haven’t been visiting any blogs, GTS or otherwise the last couple of weeks because I’ve been too busy with work and taxes to play on the internets at all. I meant no disrespect.
Beautiful rose Tricia! You make me want to grow more roses!
As for commenting on other GTS posts, you are right. We need to support each other’s Green Thumb Sunday posts. Please give us a little grace for not commenting much today, since many of us had a busy Easter. I am just now getting to my computer at 11:30pm. I do love seeing others Green Thumb Sunday posts!
Hi Tricia, responding to your post on my blog.. I usually do visit many sites. But yesterday morning my daughter had to use my computer, and was on it all day for a project she needed to do. I only just got to look at people’s blogs this morning. Please don’t be so harsh on people, as there might be a good reason they didn’t participate on one particular day. I always love going to other blogs on a Sunday, and I missed it yesterday. It sometimes takes me a day or three anyway to do the rounds.
Lovely rose, I always wondered how well a Fragrant Cloud grew.
How wonderful your roses are. Because of the low temperatures actually we have no blossoms on our roses.
Have a nice Eastermonday!
You’re number 21 of what? – 45? I’m slow but getting there. Promise I’ll try to perservere this week, but it might take me a day or two to get to everyone. Very frustrating to not be able to comment on some because I have no blogger identity, but I hope they know they’re getting viits. Do I remember some Vox and Xanga blogs last week, too? Waving “hello and thanks for sharing” to the ones I can’t get in to comment on!
I’ve killed some lovely roses over the years. Now that I finally have my white picket fence (actually, white picket rail on my lanai, lol!) I need to look around for some hybrids bred for the tropics. Wish me luck. Most of the ones I find in the nurseries here were never intended to grow in Hawaii.
Dear Tricia!
What a lovely rose you have posted. I just planted my very first rose in our young, just two year old garden a couple of days ago and I can’t wait to see it’s blooming this summer. Well, at least I hope it will bloom!
Tricia, to be honest, I am quite shocked about your reaction that people to not comment on other GTS blogs in the way YOU expect them to do. I really enjoy this GTS meme but I have to admit, too, that so far, I did not comment on other participants blogs on a regular basis, due to time constraints. But not commenting does not at all mean NOT visiting!!!
It’s always been a great pleasure for me to write another GTS post (like this on which I got an overwhelming feedback: http://ein-stueck-garten.blogspot.com/2007/03/welcome-to-my-herb-garden-willkommen-im.html).
Please don’t be so harsh on us, like Syliva/Salix wrote. I’ll try to visit other participants more often – but PLEASE DO NOT CANCEL THE WHOLE THING!
To conclude, I must admit as well that I did not know that commenting on other participants blogs is such an essential point of your GST (the most essential???). Shouldn’t it be more the joy of sharing garden photos with other nature lovers and enjoying beautiful flowers on other people’s blogs?
I always appreciate each and every single comment on my blog – and even if I get just one single comment on any of my post, it would have been worse writing it – just for this one reader. ;-)))
I wonder how you will decide – please let us know.
Warmest wishes,
I think that some people have taken my comments wrong. Especially since I’m now getting requests to be taken off the blogroll. How did this go so wrong?
When I started this blogroll and meme, everyone was so into it. Every member went around visiting peoples sites and left comments as they went. For some reason that really dropped off in November or so and each month it’s gotten worse and worse. Perhaps people are visiting sites, but if they don’t at least occasionally leave comments how can we tell?
I don’t mind if it takes people all week to visit a number of the sites on the blogroll. That’s fine. It’s just from all appearances visits have barely been happening at all.
I went around to all of the sites in January, and then in February and for those that hadn’t been posting I asked if they still wanted to be part of Green Thumb Sunday. I didn’t get any replies. I visited sites in March and tried to encourage people to visit one another. I didn’t get much feedback. Then I went around last weekend and tried to encourage people to visit one another and I got a bit more feedback that time, and I was just trying to do it this weekend too.
I honestly didn’t expect a whole lot of participation this weekend with it being Easter Weekend. I just wanted to remind people that when they joined Green Thumb Sunday that it wasn’t just about posting it was about visiting other peoples sites too.
It’s just that Green Thumb Sunday was such a hit in the beginning. It was so good. All I was trying to do was to get it back to what it was because it actually hurts me to see that’s it’s changed so much from what it had been.
Now I’m in tears at some of the emails I’ve gotten and well that certain doesn’t make me feel like continuing.
Yes if you read the Green Thumb Sign up page you’ll see that I mention visiting other sites as being part of what this meme is about. You know just like Wordless Wednesday and Photo Hunters – these types of memes work better if you actually visit the other sites that are participating.
I’m sorry but I the response that I’ve gotten from trying to get this meme back to what it was just a few short months ago seems to have backfired.
All I ever did was create this meme to try to give something back to gardening blogs, help them pull together as a community.
It’s just not feeling like much of a community to me right now.
First off, your roses are beautiful! Seeing them makes me anxious for my rose to bloom.
Second, I’m sorry for not posting on others blogs much since I joined GTS. I do visit sites from the blogroll and kind of pick them randomly but I don’t post many comments. Sometimes I just don’t know what to say and writing a comment that says “nice picture” just seems dumb. I’ll try to do better, I promise!
I hope that the community for GTS will get to where you want it to be and I hope that you won’t give up on us.
Hi Tricia,
It had been nice to be in the community but I hafta admit I didn’t participate that much.But please don’t give up yet on all of us especially I knew some people had been putting lotsa effort to go visit the other members and post something every other Sunday.
But I think since the meme is on Sunday I found it quite easy for me to miss it (b’cause it’s during the weeknds I got the chance to catch up with my family, friends and the lists could goes on) tho it’s not my intention to do so.
If you don’t mind could we at least just put a Green Thumb meme…and that means we could do a post for the Green Thumb at any given day of the week which I know I will be better off.
That’s my suggestions anyway…I try to participate more in the coming weeks anyhow. Because I do love to see all those beautiful things people grow in their garden.
Hi Tricia,
At first I thought the rose was a Peone. I saw the lush multi petaled heads and thought. “ohh I don’t have a peone yet.”
Then I read it is a rose. Dumb me.
Now I am all excited for the winter to end so I can see nice blooms again!
I am also excited to learn your garden alfalfa tea recipe so I can start one early this spring.
I understood your note in comments.
I know that my own reason for not being able to comment right away is that I try once, then if I am too early when I look for the posts, it may take me all week to get back and look at the other blogs with GrT Sunday on them.
If I am having a rough week making time I will go through my old green thumb sundays and click all the linkies to hit 15 or so blogs.
I often get stale ones, and I am not too swift to create a ‘current’ list.
Don’t get too worked up about the notes from folks. I know you put alot of work into this, and I understand your history with memes, but not everyone else has been there since the first week.
I do know that it was easier to visit other blogs in the earlier days because the list was smaller.
Perhaps pulling out the stale blogs on the list (Some haven’t had posts since January) might make the cycling through the blogs easier.
This is really beautiful, I’m more than a little jealous. I’m not a gardner but I love flowers, I had bought a whole bunch & just planted them last weekend only to wake up this morning to an unexpected blizzard. Blast Utah, blast.
I’m not a member of the club–I would honestly have to say that I have a red thumb (get it!!) anyway, not much of gardener–but I wanted to tell you that the picture of the roses was absolutely beautiful! I hope that means that you are feeling better and getting out and about a little easier!!