My husband likes to get together with the guys every now and then for a game night. One of our friends has a regular weekly poker game and my husband goes to our friends house regularly to participate in this mini poker tournament.
When I visited the Executive Gaming Monthly website a little while ago I discovered that they have a game of the month club. When you register and purchase one of their game of the month packages you’ll have a new game of your choosing sent to you each month. I was thinking that this might make a great birthday gift for my husband since he already enjoys participating in a regular game night at his friends.
We could have our own regular game night – and not only that, but feature different types of games each month thanks to the game of the month club.
The site offers a number of different types of monthly game packages. There’s the “Player level game of the month club” all the way up to the “custom game of the month club”.
There are a wide selection of games that you could select to be delivered to your home each month. For instance, depending upon what package you chose you could get a blackjack game one month, a poker game the next, and a roulette game the following month and so on.
If I got a gift like this for Chris we could set up some of the games in the backyard with our lovely garden for ambiance in the summer time, and then in the cooler winter months we could set up our hopefully soon to be renovated basement as a recreation and games room with, eventually, a variety of casino like games set up to play on game nights.
Now imagine having three or more different games that you could play on game night? Wouldn’t that be great? Check out the Executive Game Monthly website if you are interested in seeing all the games and gaming packages that they offer. Oh and they even have extra game supplies too.
I just did a similar post on my blog, funny. I enjoyed reading yours.
Hi. I am commenting on each Postie Blog that is listed on the Linky List. I have a sidebar widget that many people have decided to put on their blogs. In return I link to your blog under my Photo-A-Day Hosts Blog Roll.
What is the widget. Well, it is a daily photo from my Photo-A-Day project. I have been taking and posting photos to my blog for 2+ years straight. I just started year 3. I’d like to get more people viewing the images and commenting on them so if I can get many Photo-A-Day hosts then I hope I can get people viewing my photos and leaving comments.
You can add Photo-A-Day to your blog and contact me letting me know the widget it up and I will add you to my PAD Host link list.
Here is the link to the Photo-A-Day instructions and code.