Wordless Wednesday
I honestly can’t remember if I’ve posted a shot of this cheeky little gnome before, I don’t think that I have.
I guess this is the kind of gnome that a carefree, could careless gardener might purchase. It says “to heck with the world, and whatever you think” doesn’t it?
Would you purchase this gnome for your garden or perhaps front lawn?
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You ever hear of the “Real Men of Genius” ads up there from Budweiser/Bud Lite?
One funny one I have on my iPod is about the guy that makes Garden Gnomes. It says:
“Nothing says Welcome like a dwarf in the hedges.” LOL
Awwww he’s cute!! I would put one of him right out front in my flower bed!
Oh I want one!!!! LOL!!! Happy WW!
Now that is funny. Would I put it on my front lawn. Why not? My wife would probably object though!
That takes “Gardening by the moon” to a whole new level!
I posted about this awhile ago to point at our annoying neighbors.
My folks tried to order it for us at Christmas, but they were sold out. I hope that you get one, post a photo in your garden if you do.
I just looked up my post, it looks a little different than the one you found.
I probably wouldn’t buy it, but I’d definitely laugh when I saw it.