It’ll be a crime if I don’t get outside sometime this weekend. The weather is supposed to be absolutely gorgeous! Mid 20’s Celsius (70’s F) … I’d be crazy not to get outside after the cool weather we’ve had so far this month wouldn’t I?
I haven’t even begun to do any work in my garden. I haven’t planted any seeds in indoor containers, and I haven’t planted any seeds outdoors either. I have bulbs in the cool basement that I didn’t get around to planting last fall either. I’ve got a lot of work to do.
Problem is – I’ve been really sick the last couple of weeks. I want to get outside, especially since the weather is going to be perfect for working outdoors, but I don’t know if I’ll be up to it.
Wish me luck!
Anyone else planning on getting some gardening done this weekend?
It got in the 70’s here today too. It’s supposed to stay that way for several days at least. I had to take my mom out grocery shopping and I didn’t want to come home because it was so nice out.. lol
I am tempted to garden! It might be rainy around here, though. My husband already started our garden, he does more than me. We have peas started, and we want to do eggplant. And I can’t wait to get Tomatoes in!
So, you’re having the weather that they promise us it’s on the way over here and will come later this week. I sure hope so, we could do with some warmth too
I had to throw in another post for the GTS post today, about agricultural grandfathers
Our biggest project is just getting the yard mowed this weekend and getting the vegetable garden spot ready. What a chore that is!
Hope you’re feeling better soon
I planted about 20 reblooming Iris plants today (finished just before it started raining!). They look shabby now, as they were mail order, but I’m hoping they take off and become something special.
I hope you are able to slowly get things done … I have always thought that my garden accomodates me when I’m not feeling well and cannot do as much as I would like. Try to enjoy what is growing and not focus on what all needs to be done… do as much as you can and enjoy it. Sometimes it just helps to be out puttering even when not feeling good…
Thinking of you ox
It’s raining and cold here in California.
I hope you’re feeling better.
First of all, get well very soon!
I just wrote my GTS post and I wonder how you are thinking about this whole meme now. Will you keep the GTS going? (After the emails and comments a couple of days ago) I hope so!
Warmest wishes from Germany!
I’ve done my gardening share last Saturday and I think with all the rain in Malaysia nowadays, I need to mow the lawn again soon. The weeds seem to be growing as fast as my eyes could blink.
It’s always about 30 degrees here, which is pretty warm. I don’t really like to go out and be dripping in sweat all day long here. Gosh, hope you recover soon!
Cynthia good luck with your garden. I hope that the weather was nice this weekend or that it gets nice soon so that you can started getting all the plants that you’d like to grow planted.
Mrs. Lifecruiser – I got busy procrasting doing taxes .. I procrastinated by cleaning and dusting and organizing things … and then I finally got down to it and got our taxes done. All that kept me busy all day and I never did get to the internet, nor to my sites to post my Green Thumb Sunday posts. I think this is the first one I’ve missed!
Perhaps I’ll post a late GTS entry later today.
Deb it sounds like everyone who had decent weather got busy in the garden this weekend – planting, tidying, making new garden beds … Hope you got your stuff done too.
I missed GTS ’cause I got so busy!
I’m still not well but that’s nothing new.
Kate I did site outside in my Garden on Saturday. My husband decided to put our patio table back together and when he was done he pulled me outside to spend some time out there. I brought my cameran and took some photos fully intending on posting them for Green Thumb Sunday but I got busy doing taxes and never did make it to the computer until after midnight!
Chigiy I’m sorry to hear that your weather wasn’t the best. We had some nice weather. Hope yours gets better soon!
Anita the GTS is still going. I think this is the first time that i didn’t do a GTS post so I can see how you might have been concerned that I’ve shut it down or something.
I’m not going to shut it down, but I am trying to encourage people to visit other members sites. It’s to our benefit. We can get some great idea’s when we see what other gardeners are planting or building for their gardens.
LamanHati sorry that you’re having so much rain. Isn’t it amazing how fast grass will grow if you either water it regularly or it rains a lot? LOL You’re right – weeds grow as fast or faster than grass even!
Thanks for stopping by!
Now in case any of you are wondering why I’ve just made so many comments in a row. I have a new plugin installed and it allows me to comment to each person, and send off an email of what I’ve said in my comment on the blog. So everyone that I just wrote to got an email of my comment as well. Isn’t that cool?
If you have a wordpress blog and want to get this comment email responder plugin read my post on WebStyle and learn more about it.
Lyndon – it’s kind of nice that it’s that warm there. At least you could have a fantastic garden. It gets pretty humid here in the summer and it’s often 30 C or higher when it’s that humid. I don’t like being out in that either. I actually tend to garden in the evening or even late at night when it’s cooler at times.
I have Crohn’s disease and it’s been a rocky ride for the last two years. Hopefully this latest phase I’ve been going through calms down soon.
When I’m sick, I sometimes just like to sit outside — no gardening, just sit and soak up some fresh air.