You know, I went out and did a lot of work in the garden on Sunday and I haven’t been able to get back out there yet. The garden is looking really nice- even the areas I didn’t get a chance to tidy up because there’s so many flowers blooming. Between the front and back gardens I have over 3000 spring bulbs planted! Can you imagine how it will look in a week or two?
The reason I haven’t gotten back outside to finish my work is 1. I strained my back. It’s getting better but it’s still really stiff. On Sunday evening my lower back was really sore and my left foot was numb! Yeah, I must have pinched a nerve. By Monday my foot was better but my back was still sore and stiff and perhaps what’s even worse 2. My muscles ached! Especially my leg muscles!
Now my back is almost better and I think my leg muscles are calming down. Perhaps I’ll be able to get back out into the garden sometime today? It looks like the weathers going to be fairly nice.
Wish me luck!
Good luck and be well.
Speaking of gardening and work to do, I have flower beds that need weeding…but I always end up procrastinating. Poor flowers.
You have a very nice blog. I’ve enjoyed reading some of your posts.
I’m pretty jealous actually, lol. Our weather here is still to cool and wet to do anything much outside. My flower beds are a d-isaster and they desperately need cleaning out. It’s been an odd Spring for weather here.
I can only imagine that your garden is going to look spectacular when all of the bulbs are in bloom!! I hope you take lots of pictures.
Sorry to hear about your back … it is so easy to overdo it at this time of year. Be more careful this weekend and enjoy your time in the garden!
Hope you’ll take a picture of your garden and post it here to show off all your hard work. Hope your back gets better soon.
As a gardener with a bad back I can relate to your pain. After I have strained my back I usually try and use it a little at a time as therapy. I also try and remember what actions caused it and not repeat them! Hope you are feeling better.