Well … what do you think of the new theme?
I stayed up late the other night and finally made the changes that I’ve been warning you for weeks that I was going to make.
For some reason the Flooble expandable script that I was using to roll up some of the menu items in the sidebar of the last theme doesn’t want to work on this theme. So, until I figure out how to get it working or find something else that works the sidebars probably look a little bit full. Hopefully not bad … just full.
If you have any problems navigating the site using this new theme I’d really appreciate it if you’d let me know. I added some features that weren’t built into the theme and they seem to be working fine on my end.
I tested this theme in Firefox, Internet Explorer, Netscape and Opera and it seems to work just fine in all of them. Hopefully if you are using a browser that I didn’t list it works well in that too.
One person wrote to tell me that the text looked funny and sent me a screen shot of the site. The screen shot made the text look like a photo that’s quality was really bad, the text was frayed and blurred at the edges like poor quality print I suppose. I hope that no one else is seeing the text that way. As I said, all appears to work well and look good on my three computers and the text looks fine on my end.
I’ll probably tinker with the theme a bit more, and I’ll likely change the header as that’s the one that came with the theme. I like to personalized/ customize my sites by at least adding in my own headers.
Let me know what you think?
I love the new theme & works fine in my firefox browser
I really like it! Good job
I love the new theme. Great job.
Tricia, this is more appealing. Everything is so organized.Wordpress does have very fantastic templates and themes. How I wish Blogger.com had more choices.
Will it be troublesome if I switch to wordpress ? Will all my posts be gone ?
By the way, hope that you can drop by at http://www.pinkpoisonstore.com .I have changed the the colors. How do you feel about the colors ?
Thanks for your comments.