I don’t know if you’ve noticed but this site is now part of the Glam Network, as is my main blog Tricia’s Musings. This is the big deal I was referring to on Tricia’s Musings for the last couple of weeks.
This site and Tricia’s Musings are now listed in the Glam network, and I have signed a contract with Glam to show network ads in my sidebar. As you can see the ads in the top right sidebar are quite nice graphically, and they are for name brand products – Designer fashions, Revlon and other major cosmetic manufactures, shoe companies, jewelers and so on. I’m quite pleased with the ads and I hope that you enjoy them as well. I figured that if I’m going to advertise on some of my sites I might as well advertise quality products.
I believe the Glam network has listings for about 300 internal and external blogs that discuss topics that mainly would be of interest to women. There are a number of great celebrity, fashion, clothing, parenting and lifestyle blogs listed in the network. I’m pleased that two of my sites have been considered of high enough quality to have been included in this fairly exclusive network.
My main hope in joining this network is to increase traffic to my sites. I enjoy making new blogging friends and of course having my posts read by many. If you are here visiting from the Glam Network please stop for a moment and say hello.
Congrats.. I’ve been researching GLAM network. Is it invitation only or do you have to apply for it ? Many sites that I read on a daily basis are part of it, would be nice if I could make it in