I absolutely cannot believe how much the garden has grown! We’ve pretty much had rain, and thunder storms for the past 24+ hours here in Toronto and the plants are just loving it!
I’d swear that last Friday or so when I checked the garden the Hosta’s were up, but only showing a few inches of pointy swirled growth. Now the leaves have grown and unfurled and the plants look full and lush! The Hosta’s are each at least a foot and a half in diameter and as the leaves grow more of course they’ll spread out.
It just amazes me how fast the plants can grow. The German Iris’ look like they are developing buds and two of my clematis have tons of flower bud and might even have flowered today. I didn’t peek at them today so I can’t say for sure but I wouldn’t be surprised if there are clematis blooms out there.
I think that because of the amazing growth of plants and the fact that we go from snow cover, to dull dead plants to vibrant green with blooms in the such a small space of time is why Spring is my favorite season. There’s just so much going on. Close your eyes and your bound to miss something!
I agree, it amazes me how quickly plants can grow! It seems like one minute my yard is brown from winter, and the next there are green things growing all over. Where does the time go? My husband planted peas and eggplant, yumm!