It seems that summer has come to Toronto early! Yesterday it reached at least 31 Celsius (88F)! Most of the week had been in the low 20’s or high teens so this was a big jump! Today’s going to be almost as hot and we’re expecting Thunderstorms.
Of course, as a gardener you know I like thunder storms because the lightening puts free nitrogen particles in the air and helps make the plants get a huge boost. They just grow amazingly well within about 24 hours of a lightening storm.
We don’t have any air-conditioning in our home, so I had the house sealed up tight yesterday and had the ceiling fans going. The house stayed quite comfortable until about 5 pm and then the heat either started seeping in, or our home had gradually warmed up enough to start to become uncomfortable.
We have window air-conditioners. I guess we’ll be putting at least one of them in this evening or sometime on the weekend.
We aren’t big on having the air-conditioning on all the time, but sometimes it sure is nice.
Anyone else experiencing temps high enough to start putting in or turning on the air-conditioning?
Uff! Over here in Germany we are dieing of the heat! Air cons are not that widely availible as over in the US. We only have ventilators and that just is’t enough