I have what I believe are Mugo dwarf pine trees in big round wooden baskets in my front walkway. They came with the house.
Every few years I notice that they develop these extra-ordinarily long spikes.
Sorry I can’t think of the proper name for them right now.
Yes, they do grow these each and every year, but every three or four years the spikes are extra long – like 6″ or more.
They are covered in what appears to be pollen.
I’ve noticed a phenomena with coniferous trees in the past, where on certain days, every few years if you looked out at the right time that pollen would be puffing into the air like little smoke plums. The first time I noticed this was when we lived in our apartment and it was a foggy misty day. I think the mist loosened whatever was holding the pollen filled pockets and they were pluming pollen all over!
It was beautiful. I believe I have a few photos of that kicking around but I think there were taken on my film camera and are not the greatest photos.
I’m just wondering if my small Mugo pines are going to do that this year too? It would be cool to see again!
Oh good… one of my mugo’s had this happen today. Whenever I touched it it was like a dust rose out of the spikes. The spikes have turned a nice yellow at the base and look really nice.
I was worried there was something wrong with it… this makes me feel much better.