Everyone has a dream place to live, or perhaps even an area they’d like to retire to when they can finally quite working and enjoy life in their later years.
If you are thinking of moving or retiring you might want to consider the city of Asheville. The city is located in Western North Carolina in the Blue Ridge Mountains. It’s a thriving community with many things to offer – arts, entertainment, skiing and other outdoor activities and a lot more.
If Asheville sounds like an area worth checking out you might want to visit the Asheville homes website, where you can search MLS listings with an easy to use Google map.
Ashville has been rated as one of the 50 Most Alive Places to Be by AARP and I can see why. It looks like it would be a lovely place to live whether you are just starting out or reaching your retirement years. Visit the site and see what I’m talking about.
The Blue Ridge range is my absolute favorite mountain range. I grew up in Virginia, within view of these mountains. Asheville is stunning, especially when the leaves change.