It’s hot here today! 31 Celsius (87.8 F) with a humidity factor bringing the temperature up to 40 Celsius (104 F). See I told you it gets hot and humid here in Toronto.
It’s been dark and kind of overcast for the last couple of hours, but just a few minutes ago it got almost as dark as late evening and the wind picked up like crazy.
A storm’s a comin!
Now there’s thunder and lightening but very little rain. So far.
This is the kind of weather that causes Tornado’s to spring up in the Southern Ontario region. I hope that one doesn’t, but I wouldn’t be surprised to hear of a few towns that got hit by one.
Chances are also high that our power will go out at some point in the near future. A couple of years ago when there was a good storm like this one’s shaping up to be my husband and I heard a loud crack and saw a giant flash of light off to the east. Turns out it was a transformer that got hit by lightening and blew up! That kept the electricity out for a while!
Wish me luck?
I’m sure my plants will love the extra water and nitrogen in the air from the lightening … but I really hate thunder storms.
at times storms can be scarry..but basically I like them:)
Good luck and get a good book for when the power goes out