Wordless Wednesday
Doesn’t it look like this poor lady is being crushed by her gigantic cat? Help! Help!
If she’s posing with the cat for the photo that’s a pretty strange way to pose isn’t it?
Any guesses as to how much that cat weighs? I’m guessing a good 50 or 60 pounds. It just looks huge. It’s bigger than most small dogs and getting into medium dog size. Isn’t it?
Hope you are having a great Wednesday.
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WOW, can a cat walk being that big?
My that cat is huge. Thanks for sharing the picture and Happy WW.
Smiles and Blessings,
Angel Mama ():)
I have this picture in my files because I find it criminal to fatten up a pour cat like that ! How can she move ??
I REALLY AM afraid if my cat gets that big, it will pop!!!
I had not seen this..oh my
I recommend the lemonade diet for this feline! Happy WW!
Whoa! That is insane! I’m guessing she’s posed like that to show just how wide that cat actually IS. Wider than a little girl’s torso.
Poor kitty!
My guess is around 25 pounds or so. I think the largest cat on record was only 30 pounds, so he may look massive but I doubt he’s 50 pounds.
I like how chill he looks. Just laying back like this is perfectly normal and the best position for a bath.
Fat cats crack me up.
Honestly I don’t know if a cat that big could really walk. LOL maybe crawl or waddle but walk or run? Uh huh! LOL
I wonder what your dog looks like. Did he really disappear into the belly of that cat?
Thats incredible! LOL The pose is odd but it does give a sense of ‘scale’ – (pun NOT intended) LOL Cheers
That is just so…WRONG.
I can’t imagine my kitties growing up to be that size…it gonna burned my pocket
Hi there…1st time here. Good site you have here. Very informative