Anyone wanna take any bets as to how long it will take me to get my new roses and the other annuals and perennials that I purchased on Sunday planted?
I should have done it yesterday but I was feeling wiped out all day so I didn’t get around to it. Today, again, I’m still feeling tired and what’s worse we are expecting some big storms to roll in soon. If it begins to pour rain I’m not going to try to plant today.
I’m not going to make any promises to myself as to when I’ll get the new plants planted but I sure hope I get it done by the weekend. It’s getting very hot here and those new plants will do so much better once they are planted.
Would it ruin your day if I told you that tonight’s dinner includes bruschetta made with basil I grew and my first three vine-ripened tomatoes of the year?
Totally Kate, Totally! I love fresh tomatoes and I won’t have any for a while yet.