I like to always have a hibiscus around.
Sometimes I’m not all that successful keeping them alive inside my dark house in the winter but I always have one each summer, whether it’s new or one that survived the winter.
I just love hibiscus flowers. They’re so large and beautiful.
Did you know that hibiscus flowers are edible? I don’t eat them but I do occasionally drop a hibiscus flower in with my box turtles and they eat it up. They love eating flowers.
I love hibiscus too! There is a gal down the street from us that grows the lovliest ones around here. They are just amazing. I think it’s neat that your box turtles gobble the flowers up! lol!
that’s amazing! Great pic! I’ve had Hibiscus in my teas! I love my teas!
I have read about many different flowers that are edible, I didn’t know the hibiscus was, though. I went to a party once where they had crystalized flowers as part of the cake decorations but I was too afraid to eat them. We grew up in a heavily wooded area with all sorts of berries, flowers, etc. and my mother hammered home to not EVER eat anything and now I just can’t get myself to do it.
I do feed clover flowers to my guinea pig, though. He absolutely loves them.