I just visited a website called Thoof for the first time. Thoof is a site that offers personalized news. By this I mean that it contains news articles, videos, websites and photographs from sources all over the world.
You can search through the site as a visitor for any topic that interests you, but once you become a registered member of the site Thoof keeps track of what you’ve been reading or searching for on the site and provides a personalized page for you that contains all of the stories that suit your personal taste.
I wanted to tell you about Thoof today because I used it to search for gardening articles and it returned three fantastic articles that I can use to get ideas for my own garden, or perhaps even write about in my own way on this site. Now I’m sure that the next time I log into Thoof it will show me any new gardening articles that have been added to the site since my last visit.
The article that I found most interesting was called “Beyond the Garden” and it discusses landscape architecture, particularly in the form of the green roof. This is something that has interested me for quite a while. I can’t create a green roof on my current home, but if I ever purchase a house where I might be able to do this you can bet I’ll be creating a green roof. Yet another area to garden in and it will help keep my home cool in the summer!
Since registered members of Thoof can actually submit articles either by filling out a short form on the site or by using a bookmarking tool in their browser I might submit my own gardening articles and those of any other gardening blogs that I find interesting and helpful.
In this way I can use Thoof to promote our gardening hobby and the authors who have written fantastic gardening related articles too. Would you be interested in doing something like that as well?
Of course you can go to the site and read any of the top stories or submit articles about pretty much any topic. Articles about Sicko – Michael Moores latest movie, seems to be the hottest topic on Thoof today. I just chose to focus on gardening because it can be hard to find excellent gardening articles – particularly on current news related sites.
Visit the site for yourself and see if you can find some articles of interest. Remember, you can always submit articles that you enjoy as well.
Thoof is wonderful! I’m glad you found it, it has made it a lot easier for me to get the news that I want to see.