I’ve noticed lately that the value of homes in our area has been going up and up. We’ve only lived in our house for six years and already and going by the price similar homes in our area have sold for, our house has gone up in price by more than $250,000 making homes in our area $450K +.
Don’t be fooled. There’s nothing particularly special about the homes in our area. It’s a nice neighborhood, but it’s not a gated community or anything. Housing prices have just been going up.
The odd thing is, I find many of the homes rather plain Jane. For all I know they’ve been gutted and completely renovated inside, but from the outside they don’t look like anything special.
That’s where we are different. We are renovating the inside of our home, but we began our indoor renovations at the same time as our outdoor landscaping. Luckily we finished the outdoor landscaping the same year we started. The indoor renovations are ongoing much to my dismay.
We have no plans to sell our home, but I’ve always figured that all the work we’ve done landscaping our yard and caring for our lovely garden has added value to our home.
My suspicions were confirmed when I read an article on Plant-Care.com that states that a study cited in Smart Money magazine states that consumers value a landscaped home up to 11.3% higher than it’s base price. I’m pleased with that report since our home is the only one on the whole block that really has any landscaping. We’ve added value to our home. It’s confirmed!
The article that I found that information in was one that discussed a number of unique backyard landscape ideas. If you’ve considered landscaping your front and or backyard and would like some great ideas you should go read the article. There are links within the article that lead to other articles with more in depth information about each particular type of landscaping discussed within the main article.
We don’t have a pool and we never will because our backyard is just too small to have a pool, but if you’ve thought of putting a pool in your yard or perhaps have one, but haven’t done much else to the yard you should read the section on pool and landscaping around the pool area. Certainly if you’ve watched any of the programs on TLC you know that you can landscape a pool area in many different styles and your yard could go from a recreation area to a true living area with a little landscaping.
As many of you know our landscaped backyard includes raised garden beds along the perimeter of the yard and a lovely patio for entertaining. There are some great deck and patio landscaping ideas discussed in the above mentioned article. If you’ve thought of putting in a patio or deck, but you aren’t sure where to start or what materials to use you’ll get some great starter suggestions by reading the articles linked to the landscaping write up.
Some simple, and economical ways to landscape your yard, whether you already have a fully landscaped backyard or just a flowerbed or two is to add some garden lighting. Outdoor lighting, electric or solar, can be used to light a garden path or highlight plants or other features with a garden or backyard. We use solar outdoor lighting and it makes our yard look quite lovely at night. It also makes it pleasant to sit outdoors in the evening in the dimly lit garden.
We used interlocking easy stone to create our raised garden beds, but we could have used layered rocks, or we could have brought in some larger rocks and made landscape features out of them. The above mentioned article discusses the use of rocks in the landscape and how to create a natural look using rocks.
One thing that my husband in particular wants to add to our garden is landscape speakers. There are some speakers that are made to look like rocks that you can place within your garden and hook up to your indoor stereo system which would allow you to have music in your yard yet maintain a natural look and feel. I’m pretty sure that, that is one of the ideas that we’ll use ourselves that’s mentioned in the landscaping article.
I’ve actually visited the Plant-care.com website several times in the past when I’ve been looking up plant care information. I know I visited this site when I was looking up information on Aglaonemas – Chinese evergreens a couple of years ago. They had several articles about these easy to care for plants so they kept coming up in my Google searches. I actually think that’s how I discovered the site in the first place.
To close this long post I’d just like to get back to my original idea. if you’ve been reading my blog for any length of time you know I get quite a bit of pleasure out of my landscaped backyard. I love it and visitors adore it. If you haven’t yet landscaped I would strongly encourage you to do so. You’ll get extra living space that I’m certain you’ll enjoy and it appears you’ll also increase the value of your home.
Take a look at the landscaping article. I’m sure you’ll get some great ideas for your own backyard landscaping.
The area in which we live in is a concrete jungle with no space between two buildings. Landscaping would always remain in dreams. Wish to have a house with a neatly landscaped lawn.
Well if it’s at all possible you could do some container planting.
You could grow a vine like a clematis in a pot and have the vine climb up a wall or trellis against a wall.
You could also get some very nice pots and plant a variety of flowering and leafy plants in them.
Lots of people who don’t have much property to work with, or those who live in apartments and condos do things like this and it really can look quite nice.
I’m not sure if you’d be able to though since you said something about no space between two buildings.
I hope your landscape lights aren’t on from dusk to dawn. This would be very wasteful, as you’re only enjoying the “beauty” of your property during your waking hours. IF you must put them on a timer, they should be turned off at a “reasonable” time. Better yet, they could/should be switched. Flip the switch on when you want to see your yard lit up… and off the remainder of the time. This can add up to a significant monetary and energy savings.
I found this archive post and in a rather bitter-sweet way it made me smile, but even though property prices are now going down in most countries I do think that a lovely garden always helps! Maybe not property prices just to help cope with life’s ups and downs!
Considering today’s economy and the drop in home values, I think this is a good idea to give your home an umpf. Then it’ll stand out from other homes and like you said it could add more value.
Thanks for posting all this great information.
If a homeowner was to invest in professional landscaping, it would certainly raise the value of the home and offset the costs. But a little goes a long way, and even if the grounds were simply manicured, any real estate agent and homebuyer would get a much better impression.
I often notice how much faster good-looking homes with great landscapes sell faster and for more money. Makes sense and can’t hurt to landscape.
I had been thinking about improving my front yard landscape but had always neglected the idea for one reason or another. Thanks to your post I now have a reason to work on my landscape. Making your house worth more is definitely a great reason for me.
I agrre Here with Landscaping adds value to your home and gives you extra living space – In Oahu landscaping homes is also popular trend