My tiger lilies have been blooming for at least two weeks. The colors are so vibrant!
The previous owners of our house had very little in their garden – some vegetables, two young fruit trees in the middle of the lawn?, rhubarb, raspberries, and some weedy plants that I can’t remember the name of but they were sure hard to get rid of! Oh and Lilies. Lots of orange lilies.
We kept the lilies and added other varieties. We also kept the raspberries but as you’ve probably figured out we changed most everything else.
I believe it was the vibrant color of the lilies that drew me outside to take their photograph one day last week. It had been raining on and off all day and was in fact lightly raining even as I stepped into the garden.
The lilies just looked so fresh. As if they were enjoying the rain. I had to take their photo.
Wouldn’t you have been drawn outdoors if you saw 20 or 30 lilies like the one above virtually glowing in the garden?
Gardeners, Plant and Nature lovers can join in every Sunday, visit As the Garden Grows for more information.
This lily is just beautiful. I love drawing and painting lilies. They are a great flower to teach children the parts of a flower.
Sara from farmingfriends
I love lilies. I have posted a mystery “weed” for Green Thumb Sunday. Stop by and see if you can identify it.
Lily’s always are such great views in a garden! Love the water drops on it too
Come on over and see my flower and other nature pictures.
They rock(s)*giggles*
Nice photo Tricia I don’t have many of these Lilies and I keep forgetting to add more when they go on sale around here.
Happy GTS
Another great photo.
My Grandmother always had these, too! I just love them. Very vibrant, happy looking flowers! Happy GTS!
That is absolutely breathtaking.
Beautiful. I love bright colours in the rain and okay in the sun too but that’s not to say I don’t have a soft spot for pastel… I’m getting carried away. It’s a beautiful picture.
Just beautiful, I would have been as a moth to flame.
The color is so rich and deep and absolutely beautiful. Your comment on the ‘weedy’ flowers made me laugh. I planted part of a flower garden with seeds one year. It was supposed to be wild flowers and they were supposed to be scattered. Only one type of plant came up and I tended them and thinned them and watered and fed them and was so carefule with them. They had hit about 8″ high and I was still waiting for them to flower. They were ugly things but I figured the flowers would be nice. About that time an article in the gardening section of the paper came out featuring noxious plants found in the area complete with photos. My ‘flowers’ were the first ones identified. I felt like such an idiot.
What a beautiful image! My Tiger Lilies have sadly all stopped blooming already. They only bloomed one week this Summer, but that’s a lot better than last year when they didn’t bloom at all! I think thinning them out at the end of last summer helped.
Gosh, that flower is so vibrant. It’s so bright, you could wear it jogging. A much prettier alternative to those dorky orange vests.
Beautiful photo! I have lilies blooming at the moment, which I planted in the fall. I’m testing a few varieties to see what comes back next year in my zone. I hope they all come back, but not likely.
Ohhhh I love tiger lily I did a write up on my blog as well called Tiger Lily Magic