What’s in a name? A lot when you can’t remember the name of an annual plant!
I’ve been racking my brain trying to remember what this short yet lively little plant is called. At the time that I took this photo the plant was perhaps 8 inches tall, at the most it gets to 12 inches, but I don’t believe it gets that tall.
Does anyone know what this is?
BTW I took this photo while in the rain so you can see tiny droplets of water on the flower spikes.
It’s a celosia or Cockscomb. They come in many different colors, sizes and forms.
I grew up in Ct. and we called it a Cock’s Tail or Rooster’s Tail. It’s one of the few plants that I can’t get to grow to its full glory. They come in so many different beautiful colors and I can never get them to grow more than a few inches. Poor little things always stay stubby. They are beautiful, aren’t they?
Cleosia! Yes that’s it. Why do I always forget the name of this pretty plant? Thanks!