You know what? I completely lost track of time over the last couple of days. I haven’t been feeling well again so I ended up spending the last few days pretty much lying around. I thought yesterday was Tuesday that’s how much time I ended up losing track of. It’s amazing to me that it’s Thursday already.
I guess it doesn’t help that I did something to hurt my foot on Sunday so I’ve been limping around. I’m a klutz so it’s not unusually for me to trip and hurt my ankle or foot, bang my knee or stub a toe, but this time round I have no idea what I did. I’ve been klutz free to the best of my knowledge!
Ok so now that you know why I haven’t posted for a few days I’d like to know what you know about RATS.
On Sunday my husband and I were in the kitchen putting a special tinted film on our window – which I’ll tell you about in another post in a few moments – and we both happened to gaze out at the garden at the same time and we saw a big rat beside our chiminea.
We’ve seen mice and rats in the yard before. I don’t think any of them live in our yard. One of our neighbors has a garage and shed in the backyard that touches our yard and I think the mice and rats might live in there. The neighbor on the other side also has an area that I’ve seen mice come from before. I’m not saying that there’s no possibility that the rats lives on our property but we don’t have as many nice hiding places as our neighbors do.
So how do I get rid of it?
I’m not big on killing animals. I don’t however want a rat population to continue to grow near my home.
What should we do?
Usually the rats are coming around due to an easy food source. They send out the scouts looking for food and shelter. It could be a garbage can or a bird feeder. Any easy access. They are also looking for easy access for shelter. Especially in the winter months. Seal up easy entry points in your soffits where they meet the roof. Close up holes created by the AC company where the wiring and drainage come out of the soffit. Do not use spray foam to close up holes. They will chew through it. Their incisors continually grow so they have to keep chewing.
Remove food and shelter and you will remove your rats.
Thanks for the advice. The rat in question was outside in our yard – beside our Chiminea – sort of an outside fireplace – not part of the house at all. Luckily we have not ever had rats or any other type of pest inside the house.