I’ve always found it fascinating how most herbs and a number of plants have been used throughout history to cure what ails us.
I actually have a number of books about herbs and their medicinal uses. I should dig them out and write about some of the more commonly found herbs from time to time. As I said, I’ve always had an interest in this, just as when I find that plants that we’ve always thought of as being ornamental turn out to actually be edible too.
Well, until I begin writing some articles about herbs you might be interested in visiting a site that I found that’s called Natural Herbalism. This site has articles that discuss various herbs, their uses, chemistry, the history of herbs, how to grow them, how to prepare them, herbal recipes and herbs that have specific uses for men, women, children and even pets.
It’s quite an informative site.
Take for example the article about Bayberry. Most of us think of Bayberry as an ornamental shrub, but it actually has medicinal properties. Did you know that you can make a tea by boiling the bark and root and that when the tea is drank it has stimulant properties that are effective against diarrhea. The root bark also contains a natural antibiotic and can be used to treat skin wounds or even used in a mouthwash to freshen breath and fight gum disorders such as gingivitis.
Many of us grow celery in the garden, and if we don’t grow it we often buy it in the grocery store. Did you know that celery is a diuretic and that oils from the seeds were thought in the past to relive the pain of arthritis and rheumatism. Celery has also been used to treat anxiety disorders and insomnia.
If you are curious about the medicinal uses of some of the other plants that you might grow in your garden visit Natural Herbalism and look them up. I found the articles quite interesting.
Dandelion and nettle are both examples of very useful plants with many medicinal benefits which are commonly found in peoples gardens.
Rosemary and lavender both help you calm down and relax. I also love my rosemary bush when it comes to flavoring anything from potatoes and couscous to chicken and lamb.
I think, dandelion and nettle are both examples of very useful plants with many medicinal benefits which are commonly found in peoples gardens…
Even some herbs we usually associate with cooking have medicinal properties. For example, basil is great in Italian dishes but also has a sedative effect and helps aid in digestion.
Back to basic of human being. Herbal remedies is the best way to naturalize our diseases. This is a good post promoting to people outside there to have faith in herbal medication. Go green and take herbal!