I just joined an interesting site called Meosphere. The site is a collection of lists, and links that site members have created. Each member can create their own Meosphere.
As the sites about page says we all have our Meosphere. You could even say this blog has it’s own meosphere, a gardening meosphere perhaps.
The best way to explain this site to you is to show you.
I went looking for gardening related items and I found a Meosphere list had had already been started. It’s called “Flowers You’ve grown”. I went through the list and ticked off all the flowers on the list that I’ve grown at some point in my life or that are currently growing in my garden. Then I saved a list of the flowers I’ve grown as my own list. I can’t find an embed list link for my own list though so I’ll just paste the first list here to show you:
Now we all know that even more flowers could be added to that list but that’s the beauty of the meosphere lists. You can place a check mark beside all the flowers on this list that you grow and save your own copy of the list. Then you can add even more flowers to it if you’d like. You can even edit your saved list to add descriptions and photos of each item.
Can you see the possibilities?
I think I may spend a bit of time on Meosphere later today. I might create some gardening to do lists. You know, specific spring, summer, and autumn gardening tasks for Zone 5b gardeners. Others on the site can find my lists and make their own copies adding tasks specific to their own gardening zones. You could also make lists of your gardening books, favorite garden tools, and so on. I love it.
You could make lists of just about anything in this manner and since we’re bloggers it could be yet another way to interact with our readers.
Please do feel free to check off the flowers that you grow on this list and make your own list out of it. I’d love to visit your meospheres to see what you’ve created and see lists of what you’ve been growing.
Thanks for the tip! I’ll check it out!
This looks very interesting. I will check it out.
Sara from farmingfriends
I build a website that has similar “Flowers You’ve grown†functionality with blogging, calendar / task scheduling and a lot more. The site is still very young and I would REALLY appreciate any feedback you have.
Check out my page and click the “gardens tab” for an example.