In my front flower bed I grow a small woody plant called Pervoskia Little Spire. I believe it’s a form of Russian Sage. I think it was a little windy when I took this photo and the flower stalks in the center moved closer to the lense as I shot the photo so the center is slightly out of focus.
If you can’t grow lavender you might try growing Russian Sage or even a nice Salvia as they are similar in appearance (tidier I believe), but they don’t have any scent.
Finally, here’s the common but ever so lovely purple petunia. Need I say more?
How many purple flowers do you grow?
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Hi Tricia,
Its nice to get a slpash of purple this time of year as so many flowers are red or orange.
Cheers Mark
Nice purples indeed
If I remember right, I grew only 2 totally purple flowers in my former garden. It was the Jackmanii Clematis and a Salvia. There were partly purpled others, butt only a few. Oh, and I had one Lilac tree too!
I think Potato was the only plant with purple flowers that I ever grew.
Tricia, I’ve never even heard of the Gay Feather! Interesting. I don’t have any purple flowers in my garden — just blue browellia, which is so deep blue as to be almost purple, but still doesn’t quite qualify…
Hi Tricia,
I love the petunias. I have some with dark purple markings on them. I will definately have petunias in my garden next year.
Sara from farmingfriends
I grow as many purple flowers as I can. There’s so much yellow in my garden that I need the purple to complement it. Lovely photos.
I used this one as my GTS post and the one posted before this as my TWO for the Photo Hunters…I am not sure what kind of flower it is so maybe someone here can help me!
Great photos. I really like the pretty flowers.
As always, wonderful photos. Have you ever seen ‘Foxgloves’? The ones that grow in our yard are purple, however they also come in light purple, yellow and white. Take care.
Purple is my all time favorite color! Three years ago I planted four Catawba crepe myrtle trees. They have the beautiful purple flowers. Two weeks ago they bloomed profusely, and I kept meaning to take pictures. But yesterday, I realized that I missed my chance. They have already turned that faded light purple color, and they are beginning to fall off. Too bad too, because they would have been great as a header for my blog in the spring. Oh well . . .
I love the petunias. I have some with dark purple markings on them. I will definitely have petunias in my garden next year.