I’m behind in my blog posts this weekend because we’re having our big family reunion this weekend. In about an hour I’ll be going over to my brothers home where we’ll be having a big barbecue. All of my brothers and my sister will be there with their spouses and children. It should be fun.
I expect at some point during todays activities we’ll begin to discuss what we’d like to do next year for our family reunion. In prior planning sessions we’ve discussed traveling to other countries for our reunions.
Obviously if we were going to hold one of our get togethers outside the country we’d probably look in to some kind of vacation rental as this would keep our costs down and I’m sure we’d have fun staying together in one or two vacation rentals.
So … I’m doing a bit of research before I leave for the BBQ. There’s a site called Goin2travel.com that specializes in worldwide vacation rentals. Owners and managers of various types of vacation rentals list their rentals and availability on the site and people like myself who are looking to rent can browse through the selection and find the ideal vacation rental.
One of my brothers went to San Diego a couple of years ago and he just loved the area so maybe we’ll look into San Diego vacation rental homes. Another idea might be to look for Newport beach rental homes. The beauty of this site is that you can find vacation rentals just about anywhere.
Actually … one of my brothers lives in Vancouver Canada and we haven’t had our family reunion out west yet. Perhaps I should look for vacation rentals in Whistler BC. Staying in a lovely mountain home sounds beautiful doesn’t it?
I’m bookmarking this site and I’m definitely going to be telling my siblings about it when I see them in an hour or so. It might really help us plan our next reunion.
Enjoy the holiday! You can’t beat a good family barbeque!
I’d highly recommend hitting up Whistler for a family reunion! The summer there is a beautiful and there are plenty of activities!