When I was in the garden the other day I noticed that my Clematis Jackmani was in it’s third bloom of the season. I suspect this will be the last as the nights have gotten fairly cold lately.
As I sit here typing this post at close to 2 a.m. it’s dropped down to 5 Celsius (41 F) – so yes it’s quite cold for this time of year. We should still have fairly nice weather for the next two months or so, but the nights will be cool, although I hope not this cool for a while yet! If the temperatures keep dropping like this I’ll have to turn the furnace on!
Are any of your flowers in their last flush?
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that’s great lovely color! my first entry is up.
Your clematis is beautiful. I have one just like this which flowered for the first time a few weeks ago but it doesn’t have as many blooms as your. Just lovely. Sara from farmingfriends
wow … lovely shot! am envious of your camera! I hope I can get myself a dslr soon! lol.
Beautiful clematis! I’m simply jealous

Beautiful photo. We can’t grow Clematis here, but my son has a whole wall of this same clematis in Denver. I’ve always loved it.
I’M SO JEALOUS! My clematis (this is their first season) bloomed a little bit in spring and have since played dead. I hope they’re not really dead because I surely wish to be able to take as beautiful shot as you have just taken!
Ohh WoW, I love the purple against the green leaves. Not really much blooming here except the annuals.
Hopefully I can get to a garden center soon and get some mums and pansies for the front beds.
Love the color.