Wordless Wednesday
As was suggested by one of my regular visitors I’m trying to find a little slice of peace. This beautiful photo of a Tiffany Rose in my garden does help.
I lost my normal cool.
You see a post on another blog yesterday got under my skin. Well, I mean to say that I let it get under my skin. See my last post if your curious as to what made me blow my cool.
Deep breaths and a good sleep should help …
Very pretty in pink:) Happy WW!
Beautiful flower
My favorite roses are yellow but this shot is beautiful. Happy WW!
Everything will get better with a new day.
This rose would make an army zen!
It is really beautiful.
nice rose. happy ww. i love the red roses most but this one is nice too.
I saw that October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month everything is coming up pink. Pink is the color of healing. This is beautiful. I am glad that it healed your soul:)
Nice slice of peace.
A nice picture from the rose. Great shot.