So far October is shaping up to be more like the end of August or early September temperature wise.
It’s been no less than 10 degrees higher than the average temperatures for this time of year and often a lot higher than that.
This weekend is Thanks Giving here in Canada and the temps are supposed to be close to 30 Celsius each day. That’s the mid 80’s for those of you who are stuck in Fahrenheit.
I remember Thanks Giving weekends when we’ve had snow or when it’s been so cold and rainy that you don’t want to step outside. Luckily most aren’t like that, but neither are most as warm as this one will be.
There’s also been quite a bit of humidity. On Wednesday night I was out with my husband shopping and when we came back to our car at about 8 in the evening the car was blanketed with moisture. It wasn’t cold out so it wasn’t condensation due to temperature change. It was warm and sticky wet humid.
Then, last night at about 6 pm a strange fog descended on the city. You can see photos at BlogTO if you’d like to see how dense the fog was the blanketed the city during daylight hours. The CN tower has clouds at half it’s height! Very strange.
As much as I’m enjoy this strangely warm weather I’m worried that it’s giving my plants the wrong message. How are my roses ever supposed to get the message to stop growing, leaving out and creating new buds if it doesn’t begin to cool down?
Many plants need the gradual cooling of temperatures to signal them to go into dormancy. Without beginning to slow down and become dormant before the harsh cool weather of winter comes along the plants might end up having more winter damage.
How’s the weather in your area? Do you wonder strange weather in your area might affect your plants health?
The weather here in Nebraska has been odd, also. Rain during what is supposed to be the dry times, and dry during the rainy season. The temps are in the high 80’s F and it should be in the 70’s by now. The trees look absolutely ragged and some of the flowering plants are flowering again when they should be going dormant.
The weather in Milan is equally peculiar. The expected temperature is around 19°centigrade (that’s around 66°F). Last week week had torrential rain (and bad flooding) for two days and it got really cold. Then yesterday it was up to 25° again (77°).
Tricia that is the same as here in Chicago.Here I am trying to get the snow plows and stuff ready for winter and it is 86 degrees outside.
I am a bit worried as well about the effects of the warmth on the plants. I do not believe there will be much fall color this year when the leaves change because as you said the plants need that gradual cooling to send them the signal that it is time to shut down.
Ditto here in Kansas. It’s supposed to be 87 today. This time last year we were lucky to hit the mid-70s.
Frankly I’m pretty sick of the hot weather, particularly because I need a good hard freeze to help out my allergies.
It’s odd to see my roses blooming again while the hummingbird feeder remains untouched. The little birds followed their internal calendar, but apparently my garden is on a different schedule now.
Arizona too. Drought has been real hard on us here. We had records of the numbers of 113* and above consecutive days in a row.
Now that it begins to cool it is not a normal cycle.
Enjoy the warm weather.
I do think the weather has been weird so far this month. I live down in the states and it has been all over the charts. It was really cold and how we are supposed to have really hot weather this month. Very strange.
it gets weirder day by day