I just wanted to let all GTS members know that those of you who are around and able to blog on Sunday December 23rd and Sunday December 30th are welcome to participate in Green Thumb Sunday.
Since neither of the Sundays fall on an actual holiday date we’ll continue as normal.
I do realize that some of you might be out of town for the holidays or might have a house full of guests. So if you are not able to make your regular GTS post during this time that’s fine.
A tip – if your blogging platform allows you to post date your posts you could make a GTS post in advance and just post date it to the 23rd or 30th of December so that it will automatically post for you. I know WordPress has the ability to post date posts (just be sure to save it as published with a future date and it will automatically post on the date and time you set) and I’m sure some of the other popular blogging platforms have this ability as well.
As for the rest of the winter months … I noticed last year that some GTS members slowed down in their postings over the cool months of winter. Please remember that picture of your garden in the winter can be just as beautiful as pictures of your garden and plants during the growing season. Landscapes, older photos of your garden or plants, and photos of house plants are also welcome during this time. So keep on posting!
I must also apologize for my lack of regular posts over the last month or so. I’ve been quite ill and on top of that I have a new sick puppy at home. We got her on November 23rd and she’s been sick since we got her. As a result I’ve had to cut down on my blogging as it takes quite a bit of my time caring for her and treating her various ailments. Hopefully things will return to near normal soon!
It is a busy time of year, isn’t it? I have my GTS up!
I did my GTS post too. I’m sorry to hear you’ve been sick. Hope you and your puppy are well on the way to recover. Merry Christmas!!
I hope you are feeling better. Hugs and Merry Christmas.
I have a GTS post for today and do plan to post winter photos of my garden over the upcoming weeks.
It has been a busy time over the past few weeks, but now I’m ready to thing gardening.